Yesterday Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced his new Ministerial team. This team will take our country forward and deliver on our plan for a strong economy, to keep Australians safe and keep Australians together.
The change in my ministerial title reflects the importance of these two areas to our Government and I am honoured the Prime Minister has given me responsibility for them.
It puts a sharp focus on road safety and freight transport, which go hand in hand. The Morrison Government is committed to the National Road Safety Strategy and implementing the findings of the road safety inquiry released in September last year.
Every product that arrives into cities, towns and suburbs across Australia comes via a road transport network. Everything we buy, from groceries to fuel, arrives on the back of a truck, big and small.
I look forward to continuing my extensive work in this important policy area and meeting with stakeholders in the coming months.
Across Australia the Morrison Government has been delivering transformational infrastructure programs, such as the Urban Congestion fund.
I am particularly proud of our achievements in regional and rural Australia with the Bridges Renewal, Roads to Recovery and Roads of Strategic Importance Programs. I look forward to continuing the LNP Government’s significant delivery and investment in regional Australia.
I take great pride in serving the Australian people in any capacity I am asked and I look forward to playing a role in delivering on our $100 billion plan for transport infrastructure.
I foremost thank the people of Wright for re-electing me to represent them and the opportunity to serve in this capacity.
I congratulate the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and entire Ministry.
It is now time to get back to work.