Over the weekend within the electorate of Wright there was a special presentation of the Australian Scout Medallion to two young members of the Greenbank scout movement. Gemma Wallace and Sarah Hall were the two deserving recipients of the highly sought after award, which is the highest award that can be achieved by scouts here in Australia.
Scouts Australia is a wonderful organisation which has been contributing to the non-formal education of young people in this country for over 100 years. They teach our children in an increasingly digital era practical life skills and the important tools of self-reliance. They do this to ensure that kids are taking constructive roles in their communities and society as a whole, which is a wonderful ethos for learning.
In Wright we have 11 scout groups operating across the region from Mudgereeaba to Withcott. This is an outstanding statistic which speaks of the longevity of the scout movement, the importance of learning practical life skills and that an appreciation for the outdoors is standing the test of time. I hope children continue to sign up for scout groups and remain committed in our communities for yet another 100 years to come.
Congratulations to both Gemma and Sarah on their achievement of the Australian Scout Medallion. It is a major achievement and you should be proud. We should all be proud of their success. I would also like to acknowledge their scout leader Brad for his obviously stellar job doing his role. Well done, keep up the good work. Brad would be immensely proud of these two young ladies who have achieved the highest award and deserve their accolade.