Mr BUCHHOLZ (Wright) (11:07): On behalf of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works I present the committee's third report for 2017 on referrals made by December 2016.
Report made a parliamentary paper in accordance with standing order 39(e).
Mr BUCHHOLZ: by leave—On behalf of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works I present the committee's third report for 2017 on the two proposals referred in December 2016. The first proposal is base building works and a tenancy fit-out for the International Energy Agency at the Australian Chancery in Paris, France. This project proposes to conduct a fit-out at the Chancery to secure a 12-year lease with the International Energy Agency. It has a clear commercial justification. The project cost is estimated to be around $27.73 million, which includes a 20 per cent French value-added tax.
The second proposal is for a fit-out of new leased premises for the National Disability Insurance Agency and the Department of Human Services in Geelong, Victoria. NDIA currently leases office space in six locations around Geelong for its national office and is seeking to consolidate this into a single location. The consolidation will improve its ability to roll out the NDIS through the creation of operational efficiencies.
The Department of Human Services is also seeking to consolidate its Geelong presence through this proposal. It currently leases spaces for its Geelong Smart Centre in two locations. This proposal would allow them to save more than $3 million in lease costs over 10 years. The project cost estimate is $27 million excluding GST.
Anywhere where the Public Works Committee can save money when we assess applications, we will endeavour to do so. I compliment the bipartisanship of the way in which the Public Works Committee works. There are incredibly diverse skill sets on that committee. I thank those who make a valued contribution to that committee from the other place, in addition to the outstanding work that the secretariat does in providing a balanced, well-measured, concise brief for members of the committee. I acknowledge their work and I acknowledge the committee members' work. There is still a lot of work to be done in that space. I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead for us. I commend this report the House.