We often, and rightly so, as a community pause to remember those brave Australian men and woman who have sacrificed it all for our country.
Earlier this month at 11 am on the 11th November we came together to remember those who have served from WW1 through to modern conflict.
At a small ceremony later that day in Canungra in my electorate another servant of the Australian Military were receiving tributes for their centuries of service.
Today I rise to pay tribute to this often overlooked servant of the Australian Military.
Throughout history, in war and in peacetime, animals and mankind have worked alongside each other.
Animals have served our nation in war as; beasts of burden, messengers, protectors, mascots, and friends.
I’m wearing this red and purple poppy pin gifted to me by Australian War Animal Memorial Organisation Inc.
The purple poppy symbolises all animals who have died during conflict.
It’s a great honour, on behalf of the Australian War Animal Memorial Organisation in Federal Parliament to dedicate the 24th February 2019 as the first National Day for War Animals in Australia
On the 24th of February every year Australian’s will be able to pause and pay tribute to those animals who have served our country in war time and peace time.
I thank Nigel Allsopp, a local constituent of mine and the Australian War Animal Memorial Organisation he runs for their tireless dedication and pursuit of this recognition for war animals.
From the United Kingdom to New Zealand, countries right around the world honour Australian War Animals with a national day, and now Australia can join that honour.
To quote the Australian War Animal Memorial Organisation: “Australian war animals have demonstrated true valour and an enduring partnership with humans. The bond is unbreakable, their sacrifice great”
Mr Speaker, I call on all Australian’s to join with me and honour the Australian animals of war on February 24.