WRIGHT MP Scott Buchholz has issued a reminder to councils and community groups that applications for federal government CCTV funding close at 2pm Wednesday, March 2.
The government's Safer Streets program delivers on the Coalition Government’s $50 million election commitment to address crime hot-spots through grants focused on crime prevention.
More than $19 million was awarded under round one of the program across 150 locations nation-wide.
The Safer Streets program redirects proceeds of crime – money confiscated from criminals – to fund these local crime prevention projects.
Up to $29.4 million will be invested through round two of the program, with individual grants open to councils and eligible incorporated not-for-profit groups, community groups and chambers of commerce.
The funding will be made available for:
– projects by eligible organisations to install security-related infrastructure or remove environmental characteristics that facilitate street crime or anti-social behaviour in local retail, entertainment and commercial precincts or public parks;
– projects by State and Territory Police and Citizen Youth Clubs and Bluelight organisations which provide crime prevention or activity-based engagement programmes for young people who are at risk of criminal or anti-social activity.
Funding will also be available under the program for crime prevention projects by Youth Off the Streets and Neighbourhood Watch Australasia.
For more information visit www.ag.gov.au
To apply visit www.ag.gov.au/CrimeAndCorruption/CrimePrevention/Pages/ProceedsofCrimeAct.aspx