THE Laidley Lions will get a storage shed for the first time in the club’s 42-year history after securing a $10,600 Commonwealth grant.
The club will use the Commonwealth funding to build a three-bay shed to store equipment for its fundraising activities.
The shed – which the group will also pitch in for – will provide the group with easier access to its gear and more opportunities to share equipment with other community groups.
Federal Member for Wright Scott Buchholz congratulated the Laidley Lions Club on its success in round two of the federal government’s Stronger Communities Program.
“I’m ecstatic because I know how much they do in the community and what the group would have to do to try and generate that type of money out of their usual fundraising – that’s a lot of sausages being sold outside of Bunnings to earn $10,000,” he said.
“This is integral for the community – 42 years of service in the Laidley community and this is the first time they’ve had their own shed, so I’m honoured to be part of this.”
Laidley Lions president Leanne Robinson thanked Mr Buchholz for his support and said the group could not wait to see the project move ahead.
Caption: Laidley Lions president Leanne Robinson thanks Federal Member for Wright for the Commonwealth grant. Also pictured: Lockyer Valley Councillor Chris Wilson, Laidley Lions membership chairman John Stuart and Laidley Lions secretary Barbara Matthews.