Federal Member for Wright, Scott Buchholz today joined the Mayor and Councillors of the Lockyer Valley Regional Council and members of the local community, to officially open the refurbished Gatton Shire Hall.
Mr Buchholz said the project had only been delivered because all three levels of Government had “come together” and funded the upgrades.
“This is a significant project, not just for the community here in Gatton but for residents across the Lockyer Valley. The Gatton Shire Hall is now a modern space, with the technology and equipment to host a range of events – it will play a key role as a ‘meeting place’ for the community going forward.
“From the outside, this humble hall does not look like much, but it has a rich history and has been host to many events for our community, a refuge, dances and an array of functions. I am confident the new layout will offer more of that into the future.
“I am proud that with the Queensland Government, Lockyer Valley Regional Council and the Commonwealth through the Building Better Regions Funded (BBRF) we have been able to deliver this upgrade to benefit our community and the many generations to come.
“The BBRF is about reinvesting in the social and economic future of our regions. About helping the places where the nation’s wealth is derived and it is about providing community infrastructure, for community benefit. That is exactly what we have seen here today,” Mr Buchholz said.
Mr Buchholz thanked all of the staff, community and stakeholders for their role in developing the project, applying for various funding programs and delivering the final product.
Estimated project cost: $2,083,714
- Australian Government Funding: $439,350
- Other Funding:
- (Qld Gov) Building Our Regions – $866,714
- (Qld Gov) Works For Qld – $250,000
- Lockyer Valley Regional Council – $527,650