Commemorative projects in the region may benefit from a funding boost and expanded eligibility of the Morrison Governments Saluting Their Service (STS) Commemorative Grants Program.
Member for Wright Scott Buchholz said the expansion to the STS Grants Program will see an extra $10 million allocated over the next four years to continue to honour the service and sacrifice of those who have served our country.
“The program helps community organisations to acknowledge and commemorate those brave men and women who have served Australia and its allies in war, conflict and peace operations.
“I encourage all community groups to review the new guidelines and apply for a grant to carry on the legacy of commemoration and ensure our veterans are never forgotten,” Mr Buchholz said.
The funding increase and changes to eligibility will see more opportunities available to fund local projects to commemorate military heroes.
“The program will consider projects relating to all wars, conflicts and peace operations, however given the conclusion of the Anzac Centenary Period, there will be a greater emphasis on projects and activities that commemorate those from the Second World War and later.
“With this is mind, we are expanding the program to increase available funding and open up the eligibility,” Mr Buchholz said.
The revised guidelines will see a shift in focus to conflicts post the First World War and also mean projects such as documentaries and digital productions can be allocated funding.
These changes will take effect from the grants round which opened for applications on 7 November 2019. Applications are to be submitted online through the Community Grants Hub website at
More Information
There are two categories of grants available under the program:
Community Grants (STS-CG)
Grants to a maximum of $10,000 are available for local, community-based projects and activities.
Major Grants (STS-MG)
Grants between $10,001 and $150,000 are available for major commemorative projects and activities that are significant from a national, state, territory and/or regional perspective