A heavy vehicle route in Tarome will soon be more efficient, reliable and safer thanks to an upgrade funded under round six of the Liberal and Nationals’ Government’s Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program, Scott Buchholz says.
“Getting product from paddock to plate is a vital part of Australia’s growing agriculture and transport industries, which is why the Liberal and Nationals’ Government is investing in making those freight routes safer,” Mr Buchholz said.
“We all understand how important it is to upgrade these roads – we all drive them often and see firsthand the jobs and opportunities agriculture and transport brings to the Fassifern.
“I have been fighting for better roads and this is fantastic news for truckies travelling through our region, with the Tarome Road project receiving $380,000 under Round Six of the Program.
“The upgrade of the Tarome Road culvert in Tarome, will reduce maintenance works, increase heavy vehicle access, improve safety and reduce travel time for all road users” Mr Buchholz said.
Scenic Rim Division 6 Councillor Duncan McInnes said the upgrade would benefit the growing number of primary producers in the area and the increasing number of workers employed in mixed farming enterprises in the valley.
“This will enable the more efficient movement of produce and improve road safety for the region as a whole,” he said.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen also welcomed the Australian Government's funding for the upgrade.
“This is part of our long-term priority focus on ensuring the economic corridors we rely on – our roads and bridges – are ready to meet the needs of our exciting future,” he said.