Mr BUCHHOLZ (Wright) (13:46): Yesterday in the House we saw the introduction of the plebiscite same-sex marriage bill by no other than the Prime Minister. This is a potentially vexed issue. I call on colleagues to show the courage to respect the opinions of others during this debate and to show the courage of their convictions. We put to the Australian public that we would take this issue to a plebiscite. We were successful in the election. We are committed in this place to taking it to a plebiscite.
However, I am mindful that there seems to be an element of hate speech sneaking into the debate. Whether it comes from this chamber or whether it comes from advocates on either side of the debate, I would just call on all those who want to make a contribution to the debate to show the courage needed to be respectful of those who may have a different opinion from them. I take great umbrage when I go to my parish at my local church and have good people by all accounts being accused of being homophobes and facing a diatribe of insults.
There are good people on both sides of the debate. This debate needs to happen, regardless. I would just encourage those advocates on either side to show the courage needed to be respectful of an alternative position. There can only be two outcomes: a yes or a no victory.